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Can I Use a Barnes and Noble Gift Card on PayPal?

Can I Use a Barnes and Noble Gift Card on PayPal?
Can I Use a Barnes and Noble Gift Card on PayPal?

Last updated

Can you use a Barnes and Noble gift card on PayPal? Find out in this article. While Barnes and Noble gift cards cannot be directly used on PayPal, there are alternative options to put your gift card to good use.

Using a Gift Card with PayPal

PayPal is a convenient and widely accepted payment method that allows you to shop online without sharing your financial information with merchants. But can you use a Barnes and Noble gift card with PayPal? Let’s find out!

PayPal Gift Card Policy

Unfortunately, PayPal does not directly accept gift cards as a form of payment. While you can add a credit or debit card to your PayPal account, gift cards are not supported. This means that you cannot directly use your Barnes and Noble gift card to make purchases through PayPal.

Alternative Options

Although you can’t use a Barnes and Noble gift card on PayPal, there are still ways to make use of your gift card for online purchases.

  • Use the Gift Card on the Barnes and Noble Website: Since Barnes and Noble sells a variety of products online, you can use your gift card to buy books, movies, music, or other items directly from their website.
  • Use the Gift Card In-Store: If you prefer to shop in person, you can visit a Barnes and Noble physical store and use your gift card to make purchases at the checkout counter.
  • Use an Online Gift Card Marketplace: If you don’t find anything you want on the Barnes and Noble website, you can try selling or trading your gift card on an online gift card marketplace. This way, you can exchange it for a digital gift card that is compatible with PayPal.


While you can’t directly use a Barnes and Noble gift card on PayPal, there are still plenty of options available to put your gift card to good use. Whether you choose to shop on the Barnes and Noble website or explore an online gift card marketplace, you can find ways to make the most of your gift card and enjoy your shopping experience!