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Can I Use a Walmart Gift Card on Amazon?

Can I Use a Walmart Gift Card on Amazon?
Can I Use a Walmart Gift Card on Amazon?

Last updated

Unfortunately, you cannot use a Walmart gift card on Amazon. The two retail giants are not affiliated, so their gift cards are not interchangeable. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Can I Use a Walmart Gift Card on Amazon?

Unfortunately, you cannot use a Walmart gift card on Amazon. The two retail giants are not affiliated, so their gift cards are not interchangeable. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What Can I Do With My Walmart Gift Card?

If you’re stuck with a Walmart gift card and itching to shop on Amazon, don’t fret! There are a few options:

  • Sell your Walmart gift card: There are various online platforms where you can sell your gift card for cash. You may not get the full value, but it’s better than letting it go to waste.
  • Trade your Walmart gift card: Some websites allow you to trade your Walmart gift card for an Amazon gift card. This way, you can put that credit towards your next Amazon shopping spree.
  • Use your Walmart gift card before shopping on Amazon: If you have some items you need from Walmart, use your gift card there first, and then use the cash you saved to buy on Amazon.

Remember, when selling or trading gift cards, make sure to use legitimate platforms to avoid scams. Safety first!

In Conclusion

While you can’t directly use a Walmart gift card on Amazon, there are ways to put that gift card to good use. Whether you sell it, trade it, or use it before shopping on Amazon, you can still make the most out of your gift card.